Law Office of Jason Petri

Wyoming Child Support Calculator

This Wyoming Child Support Calculator is provided by the Law Office of Jason Petri for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. If you are seeking legal advice you can contact the Law Office of Jason Petri at (307) 352-9352.

While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the calculations provided, you should not rely on the results shown. This Wyoming Child Support Calculator has been updated to reflect calculations under Wyoming’s new child support law and uses the formulas enacted effective July 1, 2023 (many online Wyoming Child Support calculators have not been updated in some time, and may not accurately calculate child support under the current law in Wyoming). The Court determines child support based upon Wyoming law, which provides guidelines. The amount actually awarded may depend upon a number of factors which are not taken into account here. The result of the calculations preformed here is an estimate of the "presumptive" child support amount, and there is no guarantee that the it would be the amount the Judge awards. The estimate given by this calculator uses the number of days each parent has custody. This calculator takes into account the self-support reserve, which applies when a parent paying child support earns less than the amount of the Federal "Poverty Line," currently $1,304.17 per month. If the amount of child support calculated is a negative number, the child support will be $0.00.

In Wyoming Child support is generally be calculated differently depending upon how much time each parent has custody. If a parent has custody less than 25% of the time, one formula is used, and another formula is used when that percentage is AT LEAST 25%, which is 92 days. You may or may not be permitted to modify child support if the formula results in an amount different that what was ordered in your case, if the Child Support Order was entered before July 1, 2018.

In Sweetwater County, and depending on which Judge has been assigned your case, you may also be entitled to a "Christensen Deviation," which could entitle you to an adjustment of you child support based upon payment of expenses "above" what is required. These expenses could include such things as: health insurance, school clothes, cash given directly to children, sporting equipment, school lunches, costs associated with vehicles provided for children (including insurance, deductibles, vehicle payments, gas, oil changes, repairs, etc.), and cell phone expenses. In some cases the "Christensen Deviation" could result in a change in the child support obligation of more than 50%. Each case is different, and many factors will influence the Judge's final decision.

In April 2020, Sweetwater County School District Number 1 in Rock Springs approved a plan to switch to a four-day school week. The change is expected to take effect for the 2021-22 school year. This could constitute a "substantial and material change in circumstances" which might potentially be a basis for modifying visitation and child support. Your case and current order would need to be evaluated to determine if the court would consider a modification in your particular case. Please call if you have any questions.

To use this Wyoming Child Support Calculator to estimate child support:

Enter the Mother's NET Income in the RED box.
Enter the Father's NET Income in the YELLOW box.
Enter the number of days the Mother will have custody in the BLUE box and hit "ENTER". The number of days the Father will have custody will be calculated automatically and shown in the PURPLE box.
If one parent has custody LESS than 25% of the time, or less than 92 days, the estimated child support will be shown in the ORANGE rows in the column corresponding to the number of children involved, and the parent with custody LESS than 25% of the time, or less than 92 days, would pay.
If both parents have custody AT LEAST 25% of the time, or at least 92 days, the estimated child support is shown in the GREEN rows in the column corresponding to the number of children involved, and the parent with a GREEN number would pay. In some cases, a shared calculation will result in a number higher than what would be paid under a "joint support" calculation. If this is the case, the result should be RED and the lower "joint support "number would be a more accurate estimate.

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